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I love getting a traditional turnip (Daikon) cake when I'm out eating Chinese food. With a glut of turnips and other veg way too expensive of not available I used foraged Jelly ear mushrooms and bladderwrack seaweed in a similar process

GeorgeFlavour Fred
In this recipe I go through the process of making this dish using local and wild ingredients

I’ve made a foraged tweak on a traditional Cantonese dish, Turnip Cake using British turnips and many wild ingredients. It’s delicious!

Start with peeling and grating a kilo of turnip. Add it to a simmering wok, adding 280 ml of water and cook for 11 mins. Allow some juices to release and then strain. Keep the juices from draining the turnips to use later.

Now prep a small handful of both jelly ears and bladderwrack seaweed. Make sure both are hydrated and well cleaned. Slice very finely, and then add to the wok. The jelly ears can explode when heated, so protect yourself with a shield (I used a pan lid.) Cook these on a high heat for about three minutes and then add 300g of rice flour (or blitzed rice) and two tbsp’s of cornstarch. Add a teaspoon of white pepper, another of salt and a pinch of sugar.

Then reintroduce the saved turnip juices back into the pan, and cook down to help mix the contents of the pan together. Once it has a thick pasty consistency, add the turnips back into the pan and give it a good mix for five minutes and add chopped wild garlic & cow parsley before putting it into the steamer and cooking for 15 minutes. Once it’s cooked, fry it and garnish with wild garlic, cow parsley, magnolia petals and I used my fermented blackberry hoisin. Enjoy!

* this is my wild interpretation of a turnip cake

** this is not an identification video. Always ID properly


Author george

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